Sweeney Todd

Had to wait for three hours before it finally was my turn to take the stage.
But it was worth it (even though it was not the best performance I've done) cause they told me and another small group of people, after the audition that they already knew they wanted to cast us!
So today I'm going to Citrus to find out what part I got....
...maybe I'll get to be a tree
who knows?
(Check around 1:14 into the video to see my audition)
All my classes and teachers seems awesome so far btw! :D
(Lite så här i efterhand, blev så kallad principle ensamble vilket betyder att jag hade en av huvudrollerna bland statisterna och blev mickad och så.  För att se mer om Sweeney musikalen:
Bilder från själva showen: http://mikico.blogg.se/2012/april/sweeney-sweeney-sweee-neee-y.html
Bakom kulisserna:http://mikico.blogg.se/2012/april/bakom-kulisserna-sweeney-todd-1.html )

Across the Universe

Brilliant is all I have to say! True peice out of American history interlaced with the immortal songs of Beatles.

Route 66

Nu är det alltså bara 2 dagar kvar tills skolan börjar igen. På onsdag har jag min första lektion i SPCH 103(Debate and Argumentation) och Acting for the Camera. Blir intressant att se vad det blir, och sen har jag min audition för Sweeney Todd på Torsdag. Smått nervös men tror ändå det kommer att gå bra. Så nu håller vi tummarna att jag får rollen som Ms Lovett eller the crazy barber's whife.
Har glada nyheter! Ser än så länge ut som om jag kommer kunna hålla mig till min budget som jag gjort upp! Har än så länge hållt mig förvånansvärt bra till den, men håller verkligen koll på varje cent jag lägger ut.
Jaja, annars så har jag väl mest spenderat min tid med Hanna eller Danni med co, på senaste.
Ha det bra så länge.
Här är lite bilder från mitt busstop!
(Did I mention that I take the bus down Route 66 every day?)
(slänger in en bild på min vän Hiromi från förra veckan då jag tog dessa bilder)

For me it's You

"If I ever find truth I'm gonna let you know
If I ever find faith I'm gonna sit in every bit of it's afterglow
If I ever find a way to bring love here today
You better bet your life that this is what I'll say
Give it if you got it
Get it if you don't
Take my hand in the meantime
And let's walk in the sunshine
Everybody got something that they want to sing about, laugh about, cry about
It's true
For me it's you"
Here's the pictures from Valentine's Day and Santa Monica!

Danni made this for me :)

And for those of you that did not know of my fascination of pirates, well...

Jag älskar dig

Valentines Day on Santa Monica Pier

This is where I'm going with my Valentine.
Hope the rest of you will enjoy the day!
Och en extra speciell hälsning till alla mina älskade hemma i Sverige!
Tänker på er!

Soul meets soul on lover's lips.
~ Percy Bysshe Shelly

The heart has it's reasons that reason does not know.
~ Pascal

Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.
~ Albert Einstein

Ps. For those who doesn't dare to fight with the ones you love:
Get a grip and gather up some courage. ds.

Without the stones, a pelvis has no music
~ Mikaela Engman

Kinesiskt Ny År!

Chinese New Year was a couple of weeks ago and I had the honor to celebrate this with my friend Hanna who's been in China for almost a year.
We ate good, drank delicious beverage and even got gifts.
This is some stuff that we learned about the holiday:
1. At the Chinese New Year there's a monster that rise from the sea and hunts all living things on land.
2. This monster is only afraid of the color red and loud noise.
3. So therefor you put up signs with this on your doors and dress in cloths with this color to keep it away, along with blowing fireworks for at least two weeks. (Also dress in gold for fortune)
4. Children achieve money in an envelope from their parents and relatives.
5. Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday in China. It's bigger then Christmas and even Birthdays.
Chinese New Year was a couple of weeks ago and I had the honor to celebrate this with my friend Hanna who's been in China for almost a year.
We ate good, drank delicious beverage and even got gifts.
This is some stuff that we learned about the holiday:
1. At the Chinese New Year there's a monster that rise from the sea and hunts all living things on land.
2. This monster is only afraid of the color red and loud noise.
3. So therefor you put up signs with this on your doors and dress in cloths with this color to keep it away, along with blowing fireworks for at least two weeks. (Also dress in gold for fortune)
4. Children achieve money in an envelope from their parents and relatives.
5. Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday in China. It's bigger then Christmas and even Birthdays.
Me and Hanna.
The master chef!
Kung Pao Chicken ^^
Amanda and Lykke.
So guess that was all for now.
And tomorrow we get to celebrate Valentine's Day!

Rain Photogarphy

Or at least photographs from a rainy day.
Decided to go for quite a walk today to explore some of the hiking trails around the area where I live.
Went up a little bit along the one near Amelia Ave. and after that I tried to find the one along Hunters Trail.
Must have walked at least 6 miles (ungefär en mil) all together and it started pouring down midway through my walk.
But at least I got some good pictures.. And to be quite honest I kinda enjoy the rain. Makes the whole world come a live and feel newly washed. And all the smells is what I love above all. Earth and grass and moisture. And I didn't wear any makeup today so didn't have to worry about nothing. Except my camera, actually had to take cover under the roof of a Pizza Hut for 20 minutes when the rain was pouring at its worst.
But totally worth it!
This was photographed from at least 600 meters away
Glendora Pride of the Foothhill
Pretty nice pictures eyh?
And they're all non-edited.
Any who, I'm going to make myself some dinner now and maybe watch some Vampire Diaries.
Oh and btw, my dear friend Hanna is arriving in LA tonight!

"Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks"

Not true, but at least it has a good beat which you can dance to.
Just thought I would show ya'll some pics from yesterday night's escapades.
Went to Club Rock It in Pomona with Danni, his co-worker Andre and Andre's two friends Kortnie and Vanessa.
Vanessa, Kortnie, me and Daniel.
Our photographer Andre.

In a Rush

Okey so real quick now, cause I gotta go in like 5 min.
Yesterday I got some majorly A-W-E-S-O-M-E news.
Turns out that one of my oldest and best friends ever is going to be able to study at Citrus for the spring semster after all.
Long story short, Hanna is arriving on Saturday and I'm going crazy happy, probably acting like a nutcase!
Any ways, gotta run. Danni's going to be done at school in about an hour and I have to get some stuff done before then.
We're going to party VIP style in Pomona tonight!


Okidokes! I'm super tierd so this will only be a quick up-date.
So the movie was actually really good, but also really spooky. Not the proudest moment of my life, but I did actually ask Danni if I could sleep at his house after we were done watching it. Kiiinda didn't want to sleep alone.
But anyway, moving on.
Went to Citrus today to get everything going with my CSN application. (Student loans)
So hopefully that will be done tomorrow so that I can finally send it.
Also, Jan (my host father) showed me an awesome site today.
So as from today I won't have to worry about missing any more Vampire Diares or Once upon a time episodes And I can watch them online for free.
Gosh, you just got to love the internet at times.
Think I will check out Grimm real quick before I go to bed.
Danni and Josh
(Vi for ut och lekte med Coby)

The Woman in Black

Så har haft två jättetrevliga dagar sen jag skrev sist. Och bilder från dem kommer att läggas upp asap!
Men nu till kvällens bravader.
Jag och Danni ska ikväll se en film jag väntat på i snart ett år.
The Woman in Black! Staring Daniel Radcliffe.
Yes, I'm pretty stoked!
Baserad på "Svarta Madam" för er som känner till den leken.
Minns i varje fall hur jag och mina vänner brukade leka den och bli lite så där lagom spooked.

US ground

Är alltså tillbaka på Amerikansk mark sen i Måndags.
Varit väldigt kontsigt jetlegad sen dess... typ magknip och grejer. ..undrar om dte beror på flygplansmaten.
But it's all better now ^^
Danni kom och hämtade mig på LAX international när jag anlände. Dock fick han vänta en timme extra då det var mega lång kö till säkerhetskontrollen.
Men han var inte den enda glada överraskningen jag upptäckte vid min ankomst.
Kanska lite tråkigt att prata om väder, but man was I stoked about the spring weather they have here!
Dessutom hade Danni bokat rum på en av de äldsta hotellen i LA, så där däckade vi kl 21.00 Amerikansk tid. (vaknade dock upp vid 3.00 och kollade på Red Ridinghood, för att sedan somna om)
Dagen därpå hade vi picknick i LA ^^
Och dagen avstulades med att jag kom hem och fick träffa mina värdföräldrar på Sierra View Drive.
Gårdagen spenderade jag med att göra en massa ärenden.
Fixade pengar till mitt T-mobile kort och återupprättade min internetbank på Wellsfargo.
Sen for jag och storhandlade (... så nu klarar jag nog lunchen månaden ut.. eftersom endast frukost och middag ingår i hyran... som jag även den betalade igår)
Var halvt i extas då jag hittade osötad/100%ig Kakao igår. Not something that happens everyday, så mkt socker som det mesta innehåller här.
Håller dessutom på att försöka samla på mig lite olika recept, så att det blir lättare att handla framöver.
Bidra gärna med tips.
Jaha, det var väl det mesta. Ikväll ska jag träffa Danni och Nick en sväng. Sen tänkte jag och Danni ha filmkväll... funderar på att pracka på honom Vampire Diaries, höhö. Skulle även vara en idé att åka och hika lite imorgon. Helt underbart väder.
Sista skymten av Sverige. 7 på morgonen.
"Caffee bean"
Min älskling
Okey, well I guess I'll keep you all posted!