En kall och fin Novemberdag

The other day I went out in the cold sunshine to photograph some of our surroundings.
This was the outcome:
Must say that I couldn't be happier about the area we live in. So peacefull and beautiful.


Then it was time for some mike the poet again and the ghost walk. This time I was in charge of making posters. Mike said what sort of pictures he wanted and I took care of the rest.
Some of these pictures was retouched, but most of them are the original pictures.

Casting för Dracula

So if I didn't mention it I also got accepted to a casting for the walking teatre of Dracula in old town, Stockholm.
The only problem was that the casting was, not only the same day, but also the same Time as my audition for Cinderella. So I called the producer, Mike, and he told me not to worry and to send a video casting with a short monolouge and song of choice to his e-mail.
It had to, however according to the description in the invitation, be a dialouge between to vampires and a song that would fit in. So this is what I made up in all haste, plus a sample of the song On My Own from Les Miserables.
Dracula's Bride in swedish and english, one in color and one old fashioned black and white version.
Hope you'll all enjoy it!
The funny thing is that after my audition with Cinderella I got a textmessage from Mike saying that I am welcomed to an audition next sunday at 6 pm instead.
Oh well, it was fun making the video any way.

Scenograf i LA

Blev här om veckan erbjuden jobb som senograf för en pjäs som inte går av stapeln förren till hösten.
Var tydligen min set design lärare som tipsat om mig.
Riktig osis att jag inte kommer vara här till hösten, men de bad mig höra av mig innan jag kommer tillbaka (om och när det nu blir) så de förhoppningsvis kan anlita mig!
Här har ni en procenium arch scen med en så kallad white model in scale, jag var tvungen att konstruera för pjäsen "See How They Run"
för min set design klass.
Inte så pjåkigt va?
Vänta bara tills ni får se min design för Peter Pan!

Brud vit

Var världen när jag vaknade upp här om dagen. Alldeles underbart klar och gnistrande som en diamant medan lekande glada solstrålar lyste upp världen. Just så här tycker jag att världen ska vara när det är vinter. Glad och ljus och varm... även fast det ju faktiskt är skitkallt här uppe i norrland för tillfället, men jag tror ni förstår vad jag menar. Vackert mysig helt enkelt. 
Som ni säkert listat ut var jag tvungen att dra på mig kängorna, gå ut i kylan och dokumentera denna härlighet.
Här har ni resultatet:

Rain Photogarphy

Or at least photographs from a rainy day.
Decided to go for quite a walk today to explore some of the hiking trails around the area where I live.
Went up a little bit along the one near Amelia Ave. and after that I tried to find the one along Hunters Trail.
Must have walked at least 6 miles (ungefär en mil) all together and it started pouring down midway through my walk.
But at least I got some good pictures.. And to be quite honest I kinda enjoy the rain. Makes the whole world come a live and feel newly washed. And all the smells is what I love above all. Earth and grass and moisture. And I didn't wear any makeup today so didn't have to worry about nothing. Except my camera, actually had to take cover under the roof of a Pizza Hut for 20 minutes when the rain was pouring at its worst.
But totally worth it!
This was photographed from at least 600 meters away
Glendora Pride of the Foothhill
Pretty nice pictures eyh?
And they're all non-edited.
Any who, I'm going to make myself some dinner now and maybe watch some Vampire Diaries.
Oh and btw, my dear friend Hanna is arriving in LA tonight!

Merry Christmas

Good morning everyone and Merry Christmas!!
As you may see I'm finally home in Sweden again, but it's only for the season..
.. going back to the US in the end of January ~~
Any how, think I'll write my blog in english for right now, since it now is my American fellows that needs to be kept updated.
Hope you guys will enjoy reading my blog while I'm here in cold and .. snowy Sweden.
Wish ya all a very merry Christmas!

Made this Christmas card last night, took me an hour or two..
Tried to go for a old fashioned look ~~

Eclipse inspired

Har alltså varit hemma och packat, grejat och kurerat mig nu inför Aplerna.
Men jag har faktiskt även hunnit göra lite roligheter med...
fick ett ryck att göra en snabb-koreografi till denna låt igår, då jag satt och la in Eclipse soundtracket på min mobil :)
Säkert många av er som känner igen låten! Det är Florence and the machine!

Hope ya'll like it!
Den blir lite coolare om man her på helskärm
Ikväll drar jag! :D

Indian inspirerad eller?

Becoming a geisha?

Men första delen till magdansbröllopet (dansen med sjal) kommer utföras till denna låt!
Tänkte att ni skulle få en liten förhandstitt ;)
Dock har jag tänkt att klädseln ska se ut mer som i den förra magdansfilmen jag la ut, och med ett vitt MEGA skynke till sjal i stället för den lilla pjutt jag har just nu ;P
Jaja, hoppas ni gillade den!
Ha det bra tillsvidare!

Whenever, whereever

Litet smakprov på uppvisningsdansen för "magdans bröllopet"
Alltså koreografin som jag gjort och förmdligen kommer lära ut till magdans tjejerna :)

Magdans Turtorials

Så, Idag kommer jag föra min magdans lektion för Zandra (som ska gifta sig) och hennes tärna Therese över Internet.
Så igår tog jag mig friheten att göra några turtorials.
Tänkte att jag skulle dela med mig av två av videosarna ^_^


Y U No laugh?!

There's too much hilarious stuff everywhere nowadays!
I dag fick jag t ex Y U no, ForEverAlone och några andra figurer presenterade för mig under min promenad med My.
Visst, det lät kul, men fattade inte innebörden av Kul innan jag såg det med mina egna melerade ögon!
Finns allt förmånga hilarious pics med denna gubbe!
Tog mig även friheten att göra 2 meself! ^_^

Funny Huh!
At least I thought so..


Vaknade upp med en fin tjock linje över halva ansiktet i morse... vilket fick mig att bli en utomordentlig kopia av Scar i lejonkungen.
Såg seriöst ut som jag lyckats ramla på mitt face kvällen innan och skaffat mig ett fatso ärr! Vilket jag verkligen inte hoppas att jag gjorde......... visst skulle det betyda minneslucka (?).... eller så går jag i sömnen?
Eller så fick jag helt enkelt bara kuddknövel rakt i ansiktet när jag sov... ja så kan det absolut vara.
Hittade även lite retard-ego bilder på kameran imorse.
Gud vad jag tyckte jag var finurlig igår när jag kom hem och lyckats få med mig en hel godispåse Utan att faktiskt ha gått bus eller godis!
Blev i vilket fall en väldigt, väldigt trevlig kväll igår med avslutning och singalong på Pipes tillsammans med Matilda aka Mattan!
Tack för middagen också Tobias, som sagt alltid trevligt med god mat och trevligt sällskap! Tummen upp!
Nu ska jag gå och städa!

Halloween Surprise!

Så surprisen var alltså att jag har gjort ett litet Halloweentema på bloggen, inspirerad av filmen Corpse Bride..
.. Testa att klick dig in på sidan några gånger så ska du få se en liten överraskning! ^^,
(En liten hint är att bruden inte alltid ser lika blomstrande och nygift ut
varje gång du loggar in på sidan..)

Har även tänkt försöka hålla temat en aning under "Höstlovsveckans" kommande inlägg.
Så blir mycket spooky stuff nu kommande veckan!
And we start off with a little video, that I actually been working on today.
Hope you'll like it, anyway I feel pretty proud ^^
Phuuu... Nu har jag suttit alldeles för mycket vid datorn. Gjort film, gjort bloggdesign...
...tar mer tid än man tror¨¨.
Ska möta upp en vän nu och gå en promenix!
Trevlig fredag allesammans!

Drömmar som går i kras

Drömde att jag fick träffa Keira Knightley i natt(morse?). Vi var på en stor inspelning av en 1800-tals film. Fatta om jag var överlycklig när jag väl insåg att det var HON! Fick typ spader och gick och pratade konstant med min lillasyster och mina släktingar (som också var där) om hur överlycklig jag var att jag äntligen fick träffa henne och att det var en önskan som gått i uppfyllelse. Svårt att beskriva lyckan alltså!

Ville gråta när jag vaknade....
...hann inte ens fråga de frågor jag velat ställa ;'(

(Bilden ritade jag som 16 åring för två somrar sen)

A pirates life for me!

Har gjort om på filmbloggen: http://themoviemakingproject.webblogg.se/
.......Ta en titt ;)

Kommer även lägga ut bilderna +
videos från min 18 års fest i höstas.
Det blev en temafest med
Pirates of the Caribbean,
så missa inte det!
Cut the crap...


Sitter med mitt bildarbete. Har valt att jobba med Baz Luhrmann (som är regissör till bl a Moulin Rouge och Australia) men jag har valt att jobba med hans filmatiserade version av Romeo and Juliet från 1996.
Otroligt bra film!!!

Satt och gjorde denna på flyget på väg hem från Sthlm igår, la the final touch på den idag :)

Cut the crap...

Me singing "Think of me" from Phantom of the Opera

Okey, som jag sa sprang jag omkring i huset och sjöng Opera för full hals.

Det här är resultatet av det.

Hope you'll enjoy it:

(Ni får dock ursäkta den falska tonen där mot slutet, har bara sovit 5-6 timmar i natt)
I vanliga fall brukar jag inte sjunga opera, men blev så inspirerad att testa tekniken efter att ha sett Phantom of the Opera, att jag bad min sång lärare att lära mig några övningar.
Det här är alltså resultatet av en månads Opera sång.

.... Och jag brukar i vanliga fall inte ens kunna sjunga särskilt ljust :)

Cut the song...


Tänkte att jag skulle bjuda på en liten julsaga så här på måndagen. Är mitt individuella arbete på engelskan och är inspirerad av Stephenie Meyer's bok "The Host".


What is there to celebrate?

"It was so dark and, above all, cold outside. Surely about – 30 degrees . So, I was guessing that I looked something like Rudolf the red nosed reindeer by now. All though, I was glad that my nose didn't actually glow. Cause that would have blown my cover off right away.
I guess that was why I was enduring the cold and the darkness too, because that combination together nearly made me invisible.
I made my way trough the snow and soon I was standing at the edge of the wood. I hunched down, to make me as little as possible and started for the backyard at the nearest house.
It was dark inside, so nobody seemed to be at home. Good. I sneaked around the house to get to the door on the front.
Half way there, my eyes caught the celebrating family eating Christmas dinner, in one of the houses near by. A hole family of freaks! Parasites!
If I hadn't known the truth for a fact, I wouldn't have been able to separate these creatures from my own kind. The little boy, the old lady, the young girl, everyone sitting around that table seemed in many was just like my own kind. Behaving like a real family, so natural.
But now there was nothing left of the original humans in there, only their bodies, hosted by those silver wormed parasites.
They were all the same, acting the same way. Always so friendly, never even arguing. How could they call themselves good? After all they had done to us, after all the lives they had taken. Almost everyone I loved and had known was now dead because of them. Maybe not by body, but by soul.
Then what could they possibly have to celebrate? That they had restored peace on earth?
At least for us that could still call ourselves humans, the biggest war in are humanity was still going on.
I was now by the front door. The only good thing with these damned creatures was that they trusted everyone to be trustworthy, despite from real humans. So I could naturally just wander into the empty house through an unlocked door. I quietly closed it behind me.

Well inside I started for the kitchen. I had to feel my way through the dark corridors, since I didn't want to turn on the lights in fear of revealing myself. Half way through rounding the corner into the next room, I froze to a halt. There was lighted candles on a table next to a porridge bowl standing beside it. Was somebody home? I felt my pulse accelerate and quickly looked around me, trying to reveal whom ever might be in the room. But it was death silent in the house and I soon decided that there was no one there.
I slowly went over to the table with the bowl. Beside the bowl there was a barrel with bread and a pot of milk. I quickly put the bread into one of the backpacks I was carrying with me and then I made a quick glance at the bowl beside me. Rice pudding? Why on earth had they put rice pudding out? Then it hit me. Santa Claus! Either this was another one of their ways of trying to be human, or this were their way of trying to trick Santa to come over, so they could take his body as well. What a dark joke! Anyway, the porridge bowl felt to surreal for me to grasp right now, so I started for the kitchen again. Well there I, as quietly as I could, opened the refrigerator and just as quickly I tried to damp the light which was coming from inside it. I felt my way through the shelfs and soon found some unopened packages of milk. The next thing I grabbed was something that was wrapped and round. By the smell I could soon identify it with Christmas pudding, so I put it into one of the backpacks along with the milk. Soon my fingers identified some sugarplums, some spiced apple juice and some chilled bottles of coke! Oh, it was such a long time since I drank a coca-cola.
I quickly put this into the backpack with everything else.
Next I went for the pantry. In there I found some oranges and to my delight also some gingerbread and some candy canes. I could barely bare myself.
Then I got caught by a smell. Something smelled like stuffed turkey. I went over to the oven and found that inside there was a fried turkey. It wasn't before then I heard the clock.
I searched for the ticking noise and soon find the egg clock. To my despair I found that it would ring within 25 minutes, which probably meant that I would have some company in here any time now. Oh, I felt so stupid. How could I have been so inattentive?
I quickly shoved the turkey, which I now had placed into a plastic bag, into the backpack which was still empty. Then I went for the door.

Nearly sprinting back to the forest, passing the unknowing freaks again, I thought about the surprised faces of the parasites that soon would find their kitchen emptied of food. I gladly wondered to myself if they might believe it was Santa that had himself a little snack. I had to suffocate the giggle that was bubbling up my troth. And then I once again was standing in the secure dark shadows of the woods and started hurrying back to the others that was waiting for me in the caves.
I had the funniest feeling when I started to make my way back through the snow. This might actually be the first real Christmas for us in a really long time. Not because we hadn't had the chance to celebrate Christmas since the invasion, but that this might be the first time we really appreciated it, for the right reasons as well.
We could celebrate it for the obvious reason, which was the birth of Jesus. But I already knew that we were going to celebrate the fact that we actually still were alive and the fact that we all were together. And in some sense, I knew that this would lighten up our little camp and make everyone come closer together again.
Slowly I started to feel wonderful, despite the snow and the cold. It was like the magic you always felt on Christmas morning when you were little. It was the first time I had felt hope in a really long time. I knew that humanity wasn't going to gain control over the earth again anytime soon and that I might not even live to see it. But I knew we were going to make it. Now wasn't that something to celebrate?"

The End.

Hoppas ni gillade den, feel free to leave comments! :)

Cut the crap out allready...


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