Black Sabbath
So this past Friday it was time to see yet another group of legends.
Saw queen when I was 13, but this time it was time to move on to some darker music and Black Sabbath.
Yet another of my dad's childhood heroes.
And may I say: They still got it! Ozzy Osbourne was running round the stage like a maniac to get the audience going and almost still didn't miss one note.
Me and Josefin was praying to get to hear War pigs and just guess what their opening song was?
Felt so proud of Daniel too, since he helped setting up for the whole show, and I think he felt pretty proud too seeing them live inside the Friends Arena.

2 år
Many happy, sad, melancolic, joyes, difficult, big and small moments have arrived and passed during the two years we've been together as a couple, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Wether we're having the most awesomest, amazing time or we're having a big, insane, stupid argument, I still love you Daniel.
Unfortunatley we both worked on the 11th here in Sweden, so we decided to celebrate when it was the 11th in the US. No more than right since that's we're we met.
The day of honor we went to IKEA and bought a closet and a table for the kitchen, as well as Internet. We also went to the movies and saw Ender's Game and then came home and had a two course dinner. Chicken with cream, teraggon and rise, and blueberrycake with icecream for dessert.

And as you can see, we had here moved into our new appartment.

Hurra, hurra, för Danni i dag!
Friday morning I got up really early before work to surprise my honey with breakfast in bed. Why? Cause it was his birthday. We had a wonderful morning together. He got to open up his birthday present. A pair of black winterboots that I bought him. Maybe not the funniest gift but a very neccessary one. We ate our hot sandwishes and drank our tea and then I had to get to work. Once I came home it was just to change into something nicer, since my grandparents had invited us for dinner because of the occation. We had tacos :) and my grandparents surprised Daniel with a little birthday present of their own. A shirt from a store called Kapphal.
After dinner and some caramel cake I treated Daniel with popcorn and the movies. We went to see The Conjoruing which I think diserves 5 of 5 gold stars. A good way to end my baby's special day :)

Att flyga ur boet
Even though I have done it in a sence before by moving to the US, it affected me once again to leave the neast. This time with all my things packed in boxes and my whole family at work in our new appartment. We traveled through Sweden by car with my family, on Saturday morning, about two weeks ago. On our way we passed by IKEA and my lovely parents bought us lamps and some other small things under protest by me.
You guys are way too kind, I love you!
On Sunday morning we started getting everything in place and me and Daniel spent our first night in the appartment.
I got a job at AnneBloms cleaning service at the same time so one the following Monday I had my second day of work. So now we won't have to worry about the rent as much.
Here's some pictures from the events of that weekend.

Promenadteatern presenterar: Dracula
Just a few weeks into production I, Daniel and Johannes decided to make a trailer for the production. In it you maay see smal clips taken out of the origional piece of Dracula and the beautiful settings where we're hosting our production: Old Town in Stockholm, Sweden. We came up with the idea and a storyboard together and then we started shooting. I and Daniel worked behind and infront of the camera and managed the dry ice; which helped us creat the foogy, mystical feeling of the film.
The old fashioned paper you see was made by Daniel and me. It got it's origional look through crumbuling, coffee, a hot stove and a pot.
After shooting all the material I sat for a day or two editing the movie; adding all the sounds effects and cutting everything together. Must say I'm pretty proud of what we accomplished. Especially since we worked under a very low budget... no money at all. The only thing we did spend some money on was the dry ice, but I think it was woth it. Don't you? Here's the poster you may see from the show all over Stockholm.

Btw, did I mention that Daniel nailed the "Harker turning around with the lantern" shoot in just one take.

The dessision to move to Stockholm happened after me and Daniel both got work at the Walking Thetare (Promenadteatren) in Old Town. We got hired for the production of Dracula but also got to be part of the Ghost walk for Daniels audition.
Mike the Poet, our director, was actually the founder of the Ghost walks in Old Town, even though many theatre groups have started their own walks later on. During the walk you get to hear about the ghosts of Gamla Stan (old town) and stories that goes all the way back to the medieval times. It’s a bit like a historic tour mashed together with a scary maze, since ghosts and monsters appears here and there out of nowhere.

I got it! I freaking got the part!
Alright, so the whole reason me and Daniel went to Stockholm this past weekend was because I got accepted to come and audition for Cinderella the musical. They were choosing around 20 cast members to participate out of the ca 140 people who auditioned. And as you may understand I was one of the lucky few.
It's funny cause I originally auditioned for the song ensamble, but I guess the coreographer was impressed so I got a part in the dance ensamble as well.
On sunday's the first rehearsal and that's when were going to get to know more specific information about the play, our parts and so on. Very excited!
Pictures from the last day in Stockholm.

This past Saturday we were invited to a wedding. The bride is an old classmate of mine, Lovisa, and she married Niklas at three o'clock in Vindeln's church. The weather was nice, the cermony was beautiful and so was the bride and groom.
A big congratulation to the newly married!
Länge leve kärleken!

Grattis mamma!
Another decade has passed and my mother might be ten years wiser but does not look a day older.
Congratulations to the best mom I could have ever gotten.

Stort kalas
About a week ago we finally had mom's big celebration. It was a huge success! Friends and family came from all over the country and we had lots of fun with games, speaches, melody quizes, surprise performances, delicious food and great company!
A night to remember.

Ingenious! Just purely magnificent! Not even sure if I can discribe with words how truly brilliant it was to watch Muse live in Oslo. Their not only musical geniouses, but they also f*@^ now how to put on a show!!! You know that a band is good when their just as good live as on the record.
Mind was blown!

Silverbröllop på Trollstigen
Tuesday was my parents 25th anniversary, which in Sweden is called a silver wedding.
We got to celebrate their 25 years of marriage in an extreamly beautiful place called Trollstigen (the troll trail), see some fjords, and had a scrumptious and freash dinner to end the day with.
Happy anniversary again mom and dad!

Sveriges huvudstad
July 1st Danni finally got to see more of Stockholm than the inside of Arlanda Airport.
We started out by taking a trip to old town where he got to see the guard exchange by the royal castle, "Röda torget" the red square where Gustav Vasa's (the first king of Sweden) father was executed and the famous Saint Göran and the Dragon. The knight is suppouse to be Saint Göran, the dragon represents Denmark and the fair maiden is Sweden. He also got to see the canon ball that's stuck in one of the buildings since back in the days.
We had lunch at "Grå munken", the Grey Monk, which has a cellar all the way back from the 15th century.
It's one of my favorite places in old town and the food is absolutely scrumptious.
After our little trip to old town we drow through Stockholm to the Vasa museum.
The royal ship Vasa sank back in 1628, got rescued from the bottom of the ocean in 1961 and is today one of its kind.

Happy Birthday Grandma'!
June 25th we had the big honer of celebrating my grandmother Ulla on her big day.
So much happened that day that I will keep it short and let the pictures tell most of the story.
We began by eating lunch at Karlfeldtsgården, the family home of Erik Axel Karlfeldt, a Swedish famous writer/song writer.

Aunt and cousin

My beautiful mom

My beloved sisters.

We also encountered a giant Darla horse!!

We ate cake at home.

And we went to Säterdalen ^^
There they had a flee market, a classic car show and like usual a bunch of animals.

The day after midsommer we went to visit the former home of Anders Zorn in Dalarna, a famous Swedish painter that lived and worked during the late 19th- to early 20th centuary.
He was a poor farmers boy that grew up to paint among many, the president of the United States, and many other famous paintings.
We also saw some works and scetches made by Björn Berg. The illustrater of "Emil in Lönneberga", a story written by Astrid Lingren, the aouther of Pippi Longstockings.

Björn Berg is here chacing after some of his most famous characters, paint brush at the ready.

Astrid Lindgren

Here's the final restingplace of Anders Zorn and his wife Emma.

Herre gud!! Känns som om det var igår jag först kom till USA och för första gången satte min fot på Citrus College, men helt plötsligt har två år swishat förbi och nu har jag tagit examen! Officially a graduate with high honers in Theatre Arts!!! HIGH HONERS!!! Det trodde jag ju aldrig..! Galenskapen. Måste ha varit den gladaste dagen sen jag kom hit, om möjligtvis också den mest nostalgiska.
Sånna fina minnen som jag samlat på mig, så många hinder som jag klättrat över, så många nätter jag suttit uppe och slitit hårt.
Anlände här utan att känna en enda själ, utan en gnutta av trygghet eller ens något att känna igen sig i.
Nu har jag byggt mig ett helt nytt liv med vänner, pojkvän, "familj", vardag men framför allt vad jag faktiskt kom hit för: en lysande början på en karriär.
Kort sagt är jag stolt över vad jag åstadkommit och hur mycket jag vuxit under de två senaste åren.
Men nog av detta, här har ni bilderna från min graduation!!

Champagne frukost. Någon Svensk tradition måste man ju hålla på ;)

Hitta mig!

Love this picture!! XD

Och mina fina blommor Chris, Jan och Ayanno gav mig ^^

Consert on a ranch in the mountains
Samma dag som jag for på powwowen överraskade även Danni mig genom att bjuda mig på konsert på en ranch i Santa Monica bergen. Han hade varit väldigt hemlighetsfull gällande ämnet hela veckan. Det enda han lät mig veta var att han skulle ta med mig ut och att jag behövde klä mig varmt. Gissade gaska snabbt att vi skulle upp till bergen, men jag gissade dock att vi skulle hika. Så när jag kom hem efter powwowen och Danni säger åt mig att jag borde försöka klä mig lite snyggt också blev jag helt förvirrad. "Varför ska jag behöva klä mig inta bara varmt men snyggt också om vi ska och hika?"
Fick dock mitt svar när vi väl tagit oss till Santa Monica och gick för att ta bussen upp på berget, för där var vi nämligen tvugna att få festival band och drickes band om vi ville köpa alkohol under festivalen. Visade sig att Danni vunnit biljetterna på radio och ville överraska mig med detta. Och överraskning blev det verkligen för blev verkligen förbluffad när vi tagit oss upp på berget och möttes av denna syn:

De hade en "main-stage" med olika artister som uppträdde och sedan om du gick runt canyonen (som fungerade som ljudisolering mellan scenerna) dog helt plötsligt konsert musiken ut och vi möttes av clubmusik och dans. När vi gått omkring och kollat en stund bestämde vi oss för att köpa mat vid en av de så kallade food trucks och sedan bar det upp i ett träd där vi kunde se konserten perfekt under vår lilla middagsbjudning :)

Världen är en underbar plats
Aaaaaaaahh! Nu minsann! Nu har jag och Danni officiellt tagit första steget på resan att få honom hit till Sverige. För igår skickade han nämligen in ansökan om att "flytta och bo hos någon i Sverige" via webbansökan på migrationsverkets hemsida. Där fick han ge ut sina personliga uppgifter, inklusive samma info om mig och alla mina familjemedlemmar, skriva personligt utlåtande om hur han och jag träffades/blev tillsammans, samt bifoga bilder och dokument som stöder denna infromation.
Det är på riktigt nu. Vi har slagit slag i saken.. och jag kunde nog inte vara mer pirrig eller lycklig! Står verkligen på tröskeln till en helt ny upplevelse, vid början på ett helt nytt kapitel i mitt liv,.. and I'm planing on falling head over heels.
Nu håller vi helt enkelt alla tummar och korsar alla fingrar vi har!

Tänk om jag aldrig valt att studera i USA, tänk om varken han eller jag valt just Citrus College eller just den klassen där vi möttes. Tänk helt enkelt hur många pusselbitar som har varit tvugna att fall på plats för att vi skulle kunna bli vi.
Världen är allt en bra finurlig och underbar plats helt enkelt.

Night of music from Film
I fredags for jag hanna och Ayano för att se min rumskompis Natzuki uppträda in the Haugh. Den stora teatern på citrus college.
Blev verkligen en fantastisk kväll, med fantastiskt uppträdande.
Vi bjöds på filmklipp från olika filmer, framför allt Disney, medan kören och orkestern spelade "the score music" tillhörande de olika produktionerna.
Efter det for även jag, Hanna och en väninna till mig som spelade piano under föreställningen, Kana, på Applebee's.
Som sagt, mycket lyckad kväll!

Kana, Hanna, me (Mikaela), Natsuki and Ayano.

Hanna, her boyfrind David, Kana, me, Kevin, Natsuki.

Väldigt into the food ;)

Fick dessutom en inbjudan till maskeradfest på Applebee's kommand torsdag. Får se vad det blir av det.

Whiskey A Go Go
I torsdags for jag och Danni och kollade på konsert på Whiskey a Gogo, en av LA's äldsta och kändaste konserthallar. Har varit där en gång förut när Danni och hans band spelade, men kvällen till ära såg vi ett piratband (Älskar pirater måste jag nog inflika här!) och ett av Danni's favorit band, Stolen Babies, vilket har en väldigt Tim Burton inspirerad stil. Blev en otroligt trevlig och lyckad kväll i LA, då vi till och med fick prata och bli fotade med artisterna. Vet definitivt att lyckan var gjorde för Daniels del, då han lyssnat på Stolen Babies sen högstadiet i princip.
Här har ni lite bilder och video's från kvällen.
And please bare with me, cause they were taken on my phone since my camera was broken.

The Dread Crew of Oddwood!

Denna låt var nog min favorit med Stolen Babies under kvällen. En aning långsammare melodi.

Alla kändisar som varit där och spelat

Vill avsluta med att säga att jag tycker det var himla passande med det spöklika temat de höll kvällen till ära, då all helgona och Halloween börjar knappa in på oss.