När första ljuset brinner
So this past Sunday I and Daniel celebrated the first of advent.
Advent is the four Sunday's before Christmas.
Traditionally you celebrate it by reading a poem and lighting a candle in a special candle holder, which of course holds four. One for each Sunday.
So this past Sunday we had the honor of celebrating or very first advent together and lighting the first candle.

When the first candle is lit, Christmas door's opened.
And all children rejoice to celebrate Advent.
The first snow came today.

Hemma hos Danni och Mikaela
Here's a little guided tour through our new apartment so that you get to see how we have it :) Know it's a bit far to visit from California or even from Umea some times, but this is always something.

En kall och fin Novemberdag
The other day I went out in the cold sunshine to photograph some of our surroundings.
This was the outcome:

Must say that I couldn't be happier about the area we live in. So peacefull and beautiful.

Black Sabbath
So this past Friday it was time to see yet another group of legends.
Saw queen when I was 13, but this time it was time to move on to some darker music and Black Sabbath.
Yet another of my dad's childhood heroes.
And may I say: They still got it! Ozzy Osbourne was running round the stage like a maniac to get the audience going and almost still didn't miss one note.
Me and Josefin was praying to get to hear War pigs and just guess what their opening song was?
Felt so proud of Daniel too, since he helped setting up for the whole show, and I think he felt pretty proud too seeing them live inside the Friends Arena.

This past Sunday I had my family over to the appartment and for mom and Josefine it was for the frist time. For grandma' and grandpa' too I guess, seeing that they hadn't stopped by since they helped us move in.
So I had to get home quickly from Askungen rehearsal and Danni said goodbye to his friend Stefan who stayed at our place for the weekend, before we could prepare a blueberrypie and invite our guests in.
It was so nice to be able to invite them to our very first real home together and let them see how nice we actually have it. This appartment rocks compared to the old one. Much more comfortable, much more space, just much more everything.
So I'm actually going to call this my very first appartment over the other one. This definitely feels more like us.

Then it was time for some mike the poet again and the ghost walk. This time I was in charge of making posters. Mike said what sort of pictures he wanted and I took care of the rest.
Some of these pictures was retouched, but most of them are the original pictures.

En liten promenad
About a week ago I and Daniel took a walk through our neighbourhood. It is really beautiful! We live right by the water and have little cablecars and normal vehicals running on one and the same street, just like in an old movie. It became quite an adventure and apart from the nature we discovred a bakery, a supermarket, a movie rental store and that we could see the center of Stockholm on the other side of the river.

2 år
Many happy, sad, melancolic, joyes, difficult, big and small moments have arrived and passed during the two years we've been together as a couple, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Wether we're having the most awesomest, amazing time or we're having a big, insane, stupid argument, I still love you Daniel.
Unfortunatley we both worked on the 11th here in Sweden, so we decided to celebrate when it was the 11th in the US. No more than right since that's we're we met.
The day of honor we went to IKEA and bought a closet and a table for the kitchen, as well as Internet. We also went to the movies and saw Ender's Game and then came home and had a two course dinner. Chicken with cream, teraggon and rise, and blueberrycake with icecream for dessert.

And as you can see, we had here moved into our new appartment.

And of course "the royal party coordinator" had to throw a big Halloween celebration, all according to plan.
Had a lovely night with the Cinderella cast and crue! Think I may let the pictures speek for themselves.

Repetition för Askungen
So here we have some rehearsal pictures for the musical production of Cinderella I'm participating in. Here you may see our very first dry runthrough. This took place in our little theatre in Högdalen with the suiting name Önskegatan (Whishing street).

That same night we had tapas for dinner. Most delicious!
Tried to do one of my new napkin folds, a leaf. Came out pretty well now wouldn't you say?

Receptet för hemmagjord salsa finns under kategorin "Äta bör man annars dör man".

På upptäcktsfärd
I know, it's been yet another month. Shame on me! But me and Daniel have both been insanely busy. I got a new job, two actually, one as a yoghurtista within a yoghurt chain called Honeycomb, and I'm also going to start as a dance instructor at a dance studio called DanceFactory. Daniel now works for no less then three different light- and sound companies and we also moved to a new apartment.
All of this results in too many pictures and too little time to put them out on the blog.
So prepare for a update chock, cause I've got loads of them coming up!
These pictures was taken not to long after Daniel's birthday when we had a day off. We decided to have a look around, did some shopping and Daniel took me to a truly awesome café he found in Södermalm.

Hurra, hurra, för Danni i dag!
Friday morning I got up really early before work to surprise my honey with breakfast in bed. Why? Cause it was his birthday. We had a wonderful morning together. He got to open up his birthday present. A pair of black winterboots that I bought him. Maybe not the funniest gift but a very neccessary one. We ate our hot sandwishes and drank our tea and then I had to get to work. Once I came home it was just to change into something nicer, since my grandparents had invited us for dinner because of the occation. We had tacos :) and my grandparents surprised Daniel with a little birthday present of their own. A shirt from a store called Kapphal.
After dinner and some caramel cake I treated Daniel with popcorn and the movies. We went to see The Conjoruing which I think diserves 5 of 5 gold stars. A good way to end my baby's special day :)

En vecka i livet
This past week:
1.we went grocery shopping
2. I had a koloskopi (cheeked my intenstence with a tub and a camera. Weirdest feeling I've ever experianced. Felt like I had an alien in my stomach.)
3. made salsa.
4. celebrated Daniels birthday.
5. worked hard.
6. went partying with a friend.

Bygga bo
So after two weeks in the appartment we have really started to make it look like a home. I've been working hard at AnneBlom and Daniel have been working hard at school, and I'm glad to announce that he has also found a job as a light technician at something called Zebra Dans and Junibacken! He has his first workday tomorrow :)