Casting för Dracula
So if I didn't mention it I also got accepted to a casting for the walking teatre of Dracula in old town, Stockholm.
The only problem was that the casting was, not only the same day, but also the same Time as my audition for Cinderella. So I called the producer, Mike, and he told me not to worry and to send a video casting with a short monolouge and song of choice to his e-mail.
It had to, however according to the description in the invitation, be a dialouge between to vampires and a song that would fit in. So this is what I made up in all haste, plus a sample of the song On My Own from Les Miserables.
Dracula's Bride in swedish and english, one in color and one old fashioned black and white version.
Hope you'll all enjoy it!
The funny thing is that after my audition with Cinderella I got a textmessage from Mike saying that I am welcomed to an audition next sunday at 6 pm instead.
Oh well, it was fun making the video any way.

I got it! I freaking got the part!
Alright, so the whole reason me and Daniel went to Stockholm this past weekend was because I got accepted to come and audition for Cinderella the musical. They were choosing around 20 cast members to participate out of the ca 140 people who auditioned. And as you may understand I was one of the lucky few.
It's funny cause I originally auditioned for the song ensamble, but I guess the coreographer was impressed so I got a part in the dance ensamble as well.
On sunday's the first rehearsal and that's when were going to get to know more specific information about the play, our parts and so on. Very excited!
Pictures from the last day in Stockholm.