
      On Monday night we had a Taco night. Swedish Taco night that is, with grind beef, none-real traditional salsa, garlic dip, cheddar dip, chopped up veggies, guacamole, nachos, hard breads and tortillas… TexMex style. I love it, but I don’t think Daniel was very impressed even though he still thought it was tasty. But you know, we do our best seeing that we’re a long way from Mexico. At least this gives him a reason to make his own homemade salsa and some taquitos. Yum.



CJ säger:

Tack snälla du! Jag har fotat bilderna själv ja, kul att du gillade dem. :)

Svar: Ja absolut! Keep up the good work! Kanske du skulle vilja göra ett bloglovin byte?

2013-07-20 | 16:08:03
Bloggadress: http://cjs.blogg.se
Caroline säger:

Gott med tacos :)
Bloglovin byte?

Kika in och följ min blogg om du gillar: inredning, mode, skönhet och hälsa ♥

2013-07-21 | 00:16:33
Bloggadress: http://Justcaroline.blogg.se

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