Bisbergs klack
Trolls, fairies, goblins, elves, mystical ladies like the “skogsrå” which front side of a beautiful naked woman would lure young men into the forest and turn into a tree when she’d made the poor souls lost enough. “Näcken”, a sad, young man in the middle of the river who’s mischievous flute would lure babes into the water and drown them. These are all creatures from old folklores which belong in the forest of Sweden and Scandinavia.
This is where we took a hike one sunny day to climb up on the mountain Bisbergs klack, not far from our summer house. And Daniel, he was constantly looking out for trolls. So lets see if we had indeed entered a real "trollskog", which means troll forest.
Here we have the flower Linnea which walks with her head turned from the sun. In a line behind her, her sisters follow. This was the swede Carl von Linne's favorite flower. He is the founder of the "flora", or in other words the science of plants and herbs, which he named and put into different categories.