Sweeney Todd
Had to wait for three hours before it finally was my turn to take the stage.
But it was worth it (even though it was not the best performance I've done) cause they told me and another small group of people, after the audition that they already knew they wanted to cast us!
So today I'm going to Citrus to find out what part I got....
...maybe I'll get to be a tree
who knows?
(Check around 1:14 into the video to see my audition)
All my classes and teachers seems awesome so far btw! :D
(Lite så här i efterhand, blev så kallad principle ensamble vilket betyder att jag hade en av huvudrollerna bland statisterna och blev mickad och så. För att se mer om Sweeney musikalen:
Bilder från själva showen: http://mikico.blogg.se/2012/april/sweeney-sweeney-sweee-neee-y.html
Bakom kulisserna:http://mikico.blogg.se/2012/april/bakom-kulisserna-sweeney-todd-1.html )
