Hurra, hurra, för Danni i dag!
Friday morning I got up really early before work to surprise my honey with breakfast in bed. Why? Cause it was his birthday. We had a wonderful morning together. He got to open up his birthday present. A pair of black winterboots that I bought him. Maybe not the funniest gift but a very neccessary one. We ate our hot sandwishes and drank our tea and then I had to get to work. Once I came home it was just to change into something nicer, since my grandparents had invited us for dinner because of the occation. We had tacos :) and my grandparents surprised Daniel with a little birthday present of their own. A shirt from a store called Kapphal.
After dinner and some caramel cake I treated Daniel with popcorn and the movies. We went to see The Conjoruing which I think diserves 5 of 5 gold stars. A good way to end my baby's special day :)

En vecka i livet
This past week:
1.we went grocery shopping
2. I had a koloskopi (cheeked my intenstence with a tub and a camera. Weirdest feeling I've ever experianced. Felt like I had an alien in my stomach.)
3. made salsa.
4. celebrated Daniels birthday.
5. worked hard.
6. went partying with a friend.

Bygga bo
So after two weeks in the appartment we have really started to make it look like a home. I've been working hard at AnneBlom and Daniel have been working hard at school, and I'm glad to announce that he has also found a job as a light technician at something called Zebra Dans and Junibacken! He has his first workday tomorrow :)

Dracula föreställning
So here are the pictures from when my family came to see the second showing of our Dracula production. It was quite a success!

En härlig promenad
Last weekend my family came down from Umeå to visit us and watch the second showing of Dracula. We stayed the weekend at grandma and grandpa's house and here are some pictures from our little daytrip to Tyresta National Park in Tyresö, Saturday before the show. A beutiful but cold day. As you can see there's frost and ice on the ground to Daniels delight ^^

Att flyga ur boet
Even though I have done it in a sence before by moving to the US, it affected me once again to leave the neast. This time with all my things packed in boxes and my whole family at work in our new appartment. We traveled through Sweden by car with my family, on Saturday morning, about two weeks ago. On our way we passed by IKEA and my lovely parents bought us lamps and some other small things under protest by me.
You guys are way too kind, I love you!
On Sunday morning we started getting everything in place and me and Daniel spent our first night in the appartment.
I got a job at AnneBloms cleaning service at the same time so one the following Monday I had my second day of work. So now we won't have to worry about the rent as much.
Here's some pictures from the events of that weekend.

22 år
Just a day or two before we left for Stockholm I had my birthday, and exactly a month later on the 11th of Octber we came back to Umeå. Found this on the table waiting for me at arrival.
"Happy belated birthday Mikaela, exactly one month too late."
A belated birthday present from Josefin and Daniel for our Dungeons and Dragons games ^^
Will also treat you with two pictures taken the morning after of our rose bush that was still blooming so beautifuly in the morning sun.

Must say I really miss Umeå. Mom and dad, Josefin, Martina, all my friends. Home. Felt a bit nostalgic to come home to fetch all our things when it was time to move in to our new appartment here in Stockholm. It was the most akaward feeling to see my room so bare and empty. We left for Stockholm so suddenly that I didn't really have time to reflect or say goodbye to people properly. So it felt quite good but nostalgic to be home.

Höstens färger
Just thought I should share some pictures of how beautifully colorful the Swedish fall gets. Unfortunately we have a lot of the grey weather that is shown in the picture as well, even though this fall has been rather nice and sunny.

Trolska morgon
One morning I and Daniel got up really early to have time to take a morning walk in the mist and sun before rehearsal at 10 am. It was a truely beautiful morning. The world was sleeping and the nature shimmered with a unnatural, calming gold. A true escape from reality and one of those moments you can live on for a long time, which takes you back to that same moment every time you look at the pictures. Thank God for cameras!
Took Daniel to a beautiful lake, located not to far away from where my grandparent live. Truely felt like some sort of Snow White fairytale when we even encountered a deer not more than 20 m away from us. It didn't even notice us at first. If this wasn't a good way to start the day, then I don't know what is!

Promenadteatern presenterar: Dracula
Just a few weeks into production I, Daniel and Johannes decided to make a trailer for the production. In it you maay see smal clips taken out of the origional piece of Dracula and the beautiful settings where we're hosting our production: Old Town in Stockholm, Sweden. We came up with the idea and a storyboard together and then we started shooting. I and Daniel worked behind and infront of the camera and managed the dry ice; which helped us creat the foogy, mystical feeling of the film.
The old fashioned paper you see was made by Daniel and me. It got it's origional look through crumbuling, coffee, a hot stove and a pot.
After shooting all the material I sat for a day or two editing the movie; adding all the sounds effects and cutting everything together. Must say I'm pretty proud of what we accomplished. Especially since we worked under a very low budget... no money at all. The only thing we did spend some money on was the dry ice, but I think it was woth it. Don't you? Here's the poster you may see from the show all over Stockholm.

Btw, did I mention that Daniel nailed the "Harker turning around with the lantern" shoot in just one take.

Dracula på Riddarholmen
It's a long time since we took these photos, but these were taken right at the begining of the Dracula production in Septembre. In the pictures you can see Dracula, Van Helsing, Harker, Mina and a bunch of vampires. Behnd the camera was Daniel and myself. Think they came out pretty darn good! Especially the once Daniel took of "Dracula and Mina". Here it was still pretty warm outside, but after that we were suprised by a really cold period, so basically everyone got sick, including myself. But the show must go on right? We basically dressed in every warm item of clothing there is after that, while we were walking around on the cold, windy and spooky streets of Riddarholmen.

We soon learned how to navigate around Stockholm by bus, train and subway due to all the rehearsals we went to for Dracula. We also looked at some apartments and searched for jobs at an awesome jazzcafé which had free wifi that I mentioned before.
We usually take the subway right next to Globen (the globe) wich looks like a giant golfboll and is one of Swedens largest indoors arenas.

Fall started to arrive right after our arrival in Stockholm in the middle of Septembre. It usually starts right before the 11th of Septembre (my birthday), but this year we had sunshine and warmth until the beginning of October.
Daniel was very fascinated with all our weird mushrooms that grow everywhere in the beginning of autumn. Here’s the so called Flugsvamp (Flymushroom).

The dessision to move to Stockholm happened after me and Daniel both got work at the Walking Thetare (Promenadteatren) in Old Town. We got hired for the production of Dracula but also got to be part of the Ghost walk for Daniels audition.
Mike the Poet, our director, was actually the founder of the Ghost walks in Old Town, even though many theatre groups have started their own walks later on. During the walk you get to hear about the ghosts of Gamla Stan (old town) and stories that goes all the way back to the medieval times. It’s a bit like a historic tour mashed together with a scary maze, since ghosts and monsters appears here and there out of nowhere.

Well, if I didn't say so, me and Daniel have now moved to Stockholm. (Sorry for not updating, we haven't really had good internet) But now we've found this awesome internet café/recordstore/jazzclub! a truely amazing place where we've spent many hours while searching for jobs and appartments, and for some playing League as well ;) So now I thought it would be the perfect time to take a break as well, before Dracula rehearsal at 17.00 (5 pm), and update a bit. At the moment we're living with my grandparents and it have worked really well, but I do belive that it's important that we find an appartment asap! Otherwise it could probably become complicated. But for right now it's a good solution :)
Either way, we are currently employed by the so called Promenadteatern i Gamla Stan (walking theatre in Old Town) for their production of Dracula. But that's something I will have to get back to later.
Got to go!